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Middle School Girls BANNED from Track Meets for Standing up for Girl’s Sports!


Middle schoolers stand up for girl’s sports and get BANNED from future track and field meets for it!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

If the Leftists get their way, women’s sports as we know them today, will be extinct in 10 years or less. 

Get this, when five brave girls from a West Virginia middle school’s track and field team refused to compete against a bio male on puberty blockers and hormone therapy, THEY were banned from competing in future meets.

Is this what it has come to in America? Young girls are now the ones being punished for standing up for their right to fair competition? 

It’s like Title 9 never happened! 

Even though the state of West Virginia bans bio males from playing on girl’s teams, that recent federal appeals court ruling stands in the way. 

West Virginia AG Patrick Morrisey is fighting back but the moral of the story is this, girls are being sacrificed at the altar of woke at the hands of the very liberals who proclaim to be feminists. 

If this continues, just think how many young girls will have opportunities and accomplishments ripped out from under them!

What a joke! 

 I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at