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Rep. Kevin Kiley SLAMS Squad Members Backing Violent Protests: “We Have People Willing To Simply Reject Reality”


Republican Congressman Kevin Kiley, representative from CA’s 3rd congressional district, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the madness hin California and UCLA surrounding antisemitism at pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses. Kiley discussed the shocking statements and attitudes displayed by university presidents towards antisemitism on campus. Benson and Kiley discuss the barricading of innocent students and staff within encampments on university campuses and lawmakers who insist the protests are peaceful. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:


Rep. Kiley had this to say on fellow lawmakers insisting on the peaceful nature of pro-Palestinian protestors:

“We have people willing to simply reject reality and then conkure up a completely alternative reality with some thick, ideological narrative they have concocted… any decent person would be utterly horrified by the scenes… Why can’t they take a clear moral stand? I think it tells you a lot about who they view as a part of their constituency…”