Warming up to 11°C: Weather forecast for Almaty from February 21 to 23
Tengrinews.kz – Kazhydromet has released the weather forecast for Almaty for the next three days, from February 21 to 23.
Weather forecast for Almaty
February 21 – Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Fog at night and in the morning. Wind: 0-5 m/s. Temperature: -3 to -5°C at night, +5 to +7°C during the day.
February 22 – Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Southwest wind 2-7 m/s. Temperature: -3 to -5°C at night, +7 to +9°C during the day.
February 23 – Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Southwest wind 2-7 m/s. Temperature: -1 to -3°C at night, +9 to +11°C during the day.
Weather forecast for Astana
February 21 – Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Occasional fog. Northeast wind: 2-7 m/s at night, 7-12 m/s during the day. Temperature: -15 to -17°C at night, -4 to -6°C during the day.
February 22 – Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Northeast wind: 3-8 m/s. Temperature: -12 to -14°C at night, -4 to -6°C during the day.
February 23 – Partly cloudy, snow during the day, drifting snow. Northeast wind shifting to southeast at 5-10 m/s. Temperature: -10 to -12°C at night, -2 to -4°C during the day.
Earlier, meteorologists reported that in the coming days, Kazakhstan will experience a sharp climate divide depending on the region. The northern parts of the country will remain cold with mostly dry weather, while in the southern regions, daytime temperatures will rise to +10 to +15°C.