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When is it more profitable for Kazakhstanis to take vacation in 2025?

0 - In 2025, Kazakhstanis will have 121 days off and 244 working days. We decided to figure out which months are the best for planning vacations to maximize time off and enjoy a comfortable rest. More details in the article.
When is it more profitable to take a vacation?
In 2025, for those working a five-day workweek, the distribution of working and non-working days will be as follows:

January: 20 working days, 11 days off
February: 20 working days, 8 days off
March: 17 working days, 14 days off
April: 22 working days, 8 days off
May: 19 working days, 12 days off
June: 20 working days, 10 days off
July: 22 working days, 9 days off
August: 21 working days, 10 days off
September: 21 working days, 9 days off
October: 22 working days, 9 days off
November: 20 working days, 10 days off
December: 22 working days, 9 days off

The longest weekend in 2025 is expected in March: due to the Nowruz holiday, from March 21 to 25, Kazakhstanis will be able to rest for five consecutive days.
How to choose the best month for a vacation?
When calculating vacation pay, it's important to consider that the amount depends on the number of working days in the month. The more working days, the higher the cost of each day, meaning vacation pay will be higher.
The most profitable months for vacation:

April – 22 working days
July – 22 working days
October – 22 working days
December – 22 working days

In these months, each working day, with a salary of 200,000 tenge, will be worth 9,090 tenge. If you take a 14-day vacation, you will be able to receive 109,080 tenge in salary, based on 12 worked days.
The least profitable months for vacation:

March – 17 working days
May – 19 working days
June – 20 working days

For example, in March, the cost of a working day will be 11,765 tenge. If you decide to take vacation in this month, with a salary of 200,000 tenge, your salary after vacation pay will only be 94,120 tenge.
Thus, to receive maximum vacation pay, it is better to plan your vacation in April, July, October, or December.
What to consider when planning a vacation:

Working days and vacation pay. The more working days in a month, the more vacation pay you will receive.
Personal preferences. If long weekends are important to you, March will be the best option.
Salary. The difference in vacation pay will increase proportionally to the size of your salary.

In 2025, the most advantageous months for vacation are April, July, October, and December – these months offer the opportunity to receive the maximum vacation pay. March, May, and June are better suited for short weekends to avoid salary losses.