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BRT in Almaty: Dossaev named the start date of construction

0 - Almaty akim (governor) Erbolat Dossaev explained why the start of construction of the bus rapid transit along Raimbek Avenue and Zheltoksan Street was postponed.
During the CCS briefing, Dossaev answered a question about the extension of the BRT (bus rapid transit) high-speed bus lines in Almaty.

"Our BRT was divided into two stages, one from Pushkin to Akhremenko and the second to Altyn Orda in the western direction. In August, we received an expert opinion on the first stage and were ready to announce a competition, but after a meeting with experts and city residents, they advised us to start building from both sides at once, from Altyn Orda and Pushkin. We are waiting for the completion of the second stage, the project examination should be completed by December 25. In January, we will announce a competition and in March we will begin construction," said the Almaty akim.

According to Erbolat Dossaev, the extension of the BRT line in Almaty from Zheltoksan to Raimbek requires special technical conditions. Recently, for the first time, it was allowed to reduce the width of the lanes to 3.75 meters, which made it possible to organize an additional lane. Work on the construction of the second line from facade to facade will begin in the spring and will be completed on both lines of high-speed buses by the end of 2025.
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