World News in Kazakh

Northern cyclone will bring snowstorms and blizzards to Kazakhstan

0 - Meteorologists have made a weather forecast for Kazakhstan for the next three days - December 12, 13, and 14.
A northern cyclone trough will affect much of Kazakhstan, bringing unstable weather. Snow, snowstorms, and gusty winds are expected. Precipitation in the form of rain and snow, as well as ice, is forecast for the western regions and on December 13 throughout the day and on December 14 in the south and southeast of the country.

"Temperature decreases at night are expected only in the western part of the country, where temperatures may reach 0 to -8°C. In the rest of the country, gradual warming at night is forecast: in the northwest and north, temperatures will rise to -3 to -10°C; in central Kazakhstan, temperatures will range from -5 to -13°C; in the east, from -10 to -20°C; in the southeast of the republic, from 0 to -10°C; and in the southern regions, from -8°C to +2°C," the report says.

Earlier, forecasters clarified the weather forecast for winter 2024/2025 in Kazakhstan. It is noted that in general, the winter temperature regime is expected to be within the climatic norm with precipitation exceeding the long-term norm. However, periods with cessation of precipitation and abnormally low air temperatures are not excluded.