World News in Kazakh

Earthquake occurred in Kyrgyzstan overnight

0 - An earthquake occurred overnight in Kyrgyzstan.
According to preliminary data from Kazakhstan's National Data Center of the Institute of Geophysical Research, the earthquake, with a magnitude of 4.4, struck at 2:30 a.m. Astana time on December 11.

The Institute of Seismology NAS in Kyrgyzstan reported the epicenter of the 3.8-magnitude earthquake was located 9 kilometers south of Taldy-Suu village and 37 kilometers southeast of the city of Naryn.
Tremors were felt in the villages of Ozgorush, Taldy-Suu, and Pervomaisk with an intensity of 3 on the seismic scale.
On December 9, an earthquake occurred on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Earlier, the akim (governor) of Almaty announced that seismic strengthening of buildings would begin in Almaty based on Japan's experience.