World News in Kazakh

Ministry of Healthcare on ambulance services: Nothing will change for citizens

0 - The official representative of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aigerim Urazalieva, provided clarification regarding the schedule of emergency medical services.

"Today, several media outlets have published incorrect interpretations of the draft order amending the rules for providing emergency medical care.
In this regard, we clarify: as before, when calling 103, all patients will receive full medical assistance, regardless of the call category," stated the official representative of the Ministry of Healthcare.

At the same time, she noted that to improve response times, mobile primary healthcare teams will be involved in handling fourth-priority calls during working hours.

"In the evening and at night, as well as on weekends, all call categories will be handled by emergency teams. Therefore, nothing will change for citizens, no call will be ignored, and the efficiency and quality of patient care will only improve," assured Urazalieva.

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As previously reported, a draft order was published on the "Open NPA" portal, according to which emergency services will no longer be able to serve all patients around the clock without exception. The draft order will be open for discussion until October 8.