World News in Kazakh

Kazakh man arrested for defrauding villagers in multi-million scam

0 - A previously convicted 30-year-old resident of Taiynsha district for two years posed as a large businessman and defrauded gullible fellow villagers of 140 million tenge (294 700 USD).
More than a dozen victims applied to the police. They reported that from the summer of 2022 to May 2024, their mutual acquaintance had fraudulently taken possession of the money they had borrowed on credit.

"The suspect assured the victims that he had a large business in agriculture and asked to arrange loans for its development. People agreed, took out loans via mobile applications and transferred money, but the suspect did not pay them back," the police said in details.

The police detained the suspect and placed him in custody.

"Sixteen cases of fraud worth 140 million tenge are being investigated. The suspect may be linked to other similar offences," said Askar Mukhametkaliyev, deputy head of the police department.