The Link Between Snoring and Sleep Disruption: Earplugs for Better Sleep
It’s 2 am, and you’ve been up for a while. Beside you, what sounds like a chainsaw going through a log is just your partner’s impressive snoring. This is yet another night in a long line of nights where you lost sleep, and it’s starting to wear a bit thin. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, you’re far from alone. At Pacific Ears, we’ve helped many people sleep through the sound of snoring with custom earplugs. Here, we’ve put together a quick and easy guide to snoring, sleep deprivation, and how custom earplugs for sleep can help deal with both. Bad Vibrations: Understanding Snoring First things first, why do people snore? Snoring is a fairly common phenomenon. An estimated 45% of adults snore sometimes, while 25% of adults do it more regularly. The mechanism behind snoring can impact almost anyone, though risk factors indicate it’s more likely to afflict anyone overweight or above 40 years old. But those aren’t the only factors that dictate whether someone snores. Some of the mo...