31-3-2011 World Repairs | Hjbuenodemesquita
Trying to eliminate pain and poverty is a daunting task. Do we stand a chance?byRabbi Noah Weinberg If September 11 taught us anything, it is that our world is in desperate need of repair. Divisiveness and violence must urgently be replaced by kindness and compassion. As the threat of terror looms, we need to find ways to make a positive difference in the world -- to turn the pain into positive change, and to lead humanity back on the road to peace.This is not just a global problem. It is highly personal as well. If someone spills ink on the floor, and asks you to clean it up, you might say, "Hey, you made the mess -- you clean it up." But when it comes to world problems, nobody will say: "I didn't cause the problem, so why should I do anything about it?" Everyone agrees we should try to help. If you knew how to cure cancer, you'd cancel your vacation. We're all responsible.When it comes to world problems, everyone agrees we should try to help.The Hebrew word "tzedakah" is commonly tra...