4.2 Thermal expansion valves (TEVs)
Thermal expansion valves, or thermostatic expansion valves, are the expansion devices used most commonly withbrazed plate heat exchanger evaporators. TEVs are popular expansion devices due to their simplicity and availability, and their relatively good sensitivity and accuracy in regulation. The large choice of expansion valve sizes and bulb charges means the capacity and temperature ranges are very good. The disadvantage of TEVs is the necessity for relatively high superheating, which "steals" heat transfer area from the evaporation process.The TEV strives to maintain a stable level of superheating inside the evaporator under all conditions by adjusting the mass flow of refrigerant in response Into the evaporator load. This is achieved by a membrane inside the valve housing, which compares the temperature before and after the evaporator. To be able to compare the pressures before and after the evaporator, the TEV has to be combined with another device, a bulb. The difference in pre...