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Title TypeEps.Score Hinamatsuri add While reveling in the successful clinching of a prized vase for his collection, Yoshifumi Nitta, a yakuza member, is rudely interrupted when a large, peculiar capsule suddenly materializes and falls more. TV 12 8.12 Osomatsu-san add The majority of the Matsuno household is comprised of six identical siblings: self-centered leader Osomatsu, manly Karamatsu, voice of reason Choromatsu, cynical Ichimatsu, hyperactive Juushimatsu, more. TV 25 7.93 Natsume Yuujinchou add Due to an unusual ability to see strange creatures called youkai, Takashi Natsume has never fit in. Passed around from one foster home to another, he was left isolated and lonely. Over time, he has more. TV 13 8.30 Abarenbou Rikishi!! Matsutarou add Matsutarou Sakaguchi is a giant roughneck man with strength far beyond ordinary people. He never uttered words like "work hard," "strive," and "dream" like the typical shounen manga protagonist. more....