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Metal Slug Tactics Review | Invision Game Community

Metal Slug Tactics from the brilliant minds over at Leikir Studio, Dotemu and Gamera Games is quite plain and simple, a work of art. So what exactly makes this game excel and is it worth picking up on Steam right now?Metal Slug TacticsMetal Slug is a rather well-known franchise that’s been around for decades now. Known for its classic side-scroller shooting action, Metal Slug is a classic filled with pure enjoyment from fighting off bad guys with your powerful weapons – And of course the iconic Metal Slug tank itself. Metal Slug Tactics redefines the series somewhat by changing up the formula from a side-scroller to a completely different more strategic game.Metal Slug Tactics as its name suggests, is a tactical game. It’s all about unit placement and some clever strategic moves here. Players will take on the role of any of their three units that they’ve selected for a particular map, place the three units onto the map in a starting position and then get to work at completing objective...