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Swiss campaigners launch another 'responsible business initiative'

A coalition of over 90 human rights, environmental and aid organisations has launched a new "responsible business initiative", urging the government to ensure that Swiss-based multinationals and their subsidiaries abroad respect human rights and protect the environment. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The "Coalition for Responsible Multinationals" must collect 100,000 valid signatures by July 7, 2026 to try to secure a nationwide vote. Presenting its proposal to the media in Bern on Tuesday, campaigners argued that corporations based in Switzerland repeatedly violate human rights and basic environmental regulations. Switzerland should not remain an island With the constitutional article, the coalition wants to prevent Switzerland from remaining an island without corporate responsibility. Several European countries now have similar laws. The European Union also passed a due diligence directive last year. However, the discussion in Switzerland is not ...