World News in French

Swiss Broadcasting Corporation pulls plug on FM radio

The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) switched off outdated analogue FM transmitters at 11:59pm on New Year's Eve. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Connections to around 850 ultra-shortwave transmitters throughout Switzerland have come to an end. Anyone wishing to continue listening to the radio stations SRF1, SRF2 Kultur und SRF3 in the new year, for example, will have to switch to the digital radio technology DAB+ or Internet radio. All other SBC programmes were previously only available via the Internet or DAB+. SBC, SWI's parent company, now only needs around 260 antennas for DAB+ broadcasting. Around two dozen private radio stations in Switzerland will continue to broadcast via FM and will not discontinue the service until the end of 2026 at the latest. + Read more: not everyone happy with the end of FM radio According to the Federal Office of Communications, around 10% of the population listened to radio only via FM at the end of 2024.