Swiss ‘environmental responsibility’ initiative: essential for the left, unacceptable for the right
On February 9 the Swiss will vote on a popular initiative on environmental responsibility. It calls for adapting the economy to the planet’s ecological limits within the next ten years. Opponents argue that it would harm Switzerland’s prosperity. By May 27, Switzerland had already consumed its 2024 share of resources that the planet is able to regenerate. This date marked its annual “Overshoot Day”, a concept developed by the international NGO Global Footprint Network and recognised by the Swiss government. In other words, if every person on the planet lived as the Swiss did this year, humanity would need 2.5 Earths to survive long-term. To protect the planet, the youth wing of the left-wing Green Party wants Switzerland to make its Overshoot Day a thing of the past. In February 2023, the young Greens submitted the popular initiative “For a responsible economy that respects planetary boundaries”. On February 9, Swiss citizens will vote on the proposal, which is also known as the ...