World News in French

Survey: 82% of Swiss want to ban mobile phones in schools

The vast majority of Swiss residents (82%) want to ban mobile phones in schools, according to a survey published on Sunday. Even young people support the measure: 64% of 18-25 year-olds say "yes" to a ban. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox More women (87%) are in favour of a ban than men (78%), the survey by the Sotomo research institute found. Furthermore, support is higher among people who have completed an apprenticeship or left school after compulsory education (86%) than among those with a university education (76%). Supporters of the right-wing Swiss People's Party and the left-wing Swiss Democratic Party showed the strongest backing for a ban (85%). The most sceptical were the Greens, (75%). The survey was commissioned by the Berner Generationenhaus (Bernese House of Generations). Between September and October, 2,754 people over the age of 18 from German- and French-speaking Switzerland took part in the Sotomo survey. Translated from French by ...