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Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team (2006) Cinema

1. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team (serie, 2006–2022)'Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team' is een serie in het genre reality / sport. De serie heeft 19 seizoenen en 173 afleveringen.'Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team' is een serie in het genre reality / sport. De serie heeft 19 seizoenen en 173 afleveringen. In de serie… See details › 2. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team (2006)Reality show following the auditioning process and making of the annual Dallas Cowboys Cheerleading Squad. See details › 3. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team (special)Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team (special) ; Year. 2005 ; Episodes. One two-hour special (85 minutes without commercials) ; Squad Size. 38 (15 rookies) ...Brandi Redmond (5th year, GL) Misty Eubanks (5th year, GL, SG) Crystal Risher (4th year, GL, SG) Lisa Henslin (4th year) Lynlee Allen (4th year, GL, SG, Pro Bowl) Monica Cravinas (4th year, 2nd GL, SG) Shenythia Frazier (4th year,...