World News in French

Swiss government wants to ban swastika in crackdown on extremist symbols

The Federal Council wants to ban the Nazis’ swastika emblem in public as well as other symbols associated with the Third Reich. Anyone who flouted the law would be fined CHF200 ($225) in future. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox A ban on Nazi symbols is particularly urgent, the Federal Council said on Friday. Anti-Semitic incidents had increased significantly in recent months. The government has submitted a draft for a special law for consultation that ends on March 31. Switzerland has a certain tolerance when it comes to Nazi symbols and gestures. Nazi salutes and swastikas are banned only when used for propaganda purposes. Political efforts to scrap this distinction have been ongoing since 2003. The Federal Council now says it wants to ban swastikas, Hitler salutes and SS insignia, and codes such as "18" and "88" as well as certain gestures, objects and greetings. When such symbols are punishable depends on the context. The Federal Council is planning ...