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Rising healthcare costs remain the greatest concern of Swiss residents

The rising costs of healthcare and health insurance premiums remain a major concern for Swiss residents, a survey published on Thursday shows. Other major worries are the environment and pensions. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Healthcare policy is a major concern for 48% of Swiss people in 2024, compared with 40% last year, the UBS Worry Barometer 2024 found. Rising health insurance premiums account for part of this increase in the poll results, according to the conclusions of the study authors. + Swiss health insurance premiums to rise 6% in 2025 Around 32% of the 2,250 people surveyed are also concerned about the climate, but this is lower than in recent years. Old-age pensions remain a worry for 29% of respondents. Rising rents cause concern Rising rents are also a growing concern for the Swiss. The price of housing is the subject that increased the most in this year's survey: up to 25%. Conversely, unemployment, the number one concern in the 2010s ...