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Swiss companies invest more in their foreign subsidiaries

In 2023, Swiss-companies invested more money in their foreign subsidiaries than they withdrew for the first time since 2018. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox In total, companies based in Switzerland invested CHF49 billion ($54.8 billion) in their subsidiaries abroad last year, as the Swiss National Bank (SNB) announced on Friday. By comparison, they withdrew CHF71 billion in 2022 and CHF111 billion in 2021. According to the SNB, investment activity saw two contrasting developments. Companies from industry and the services sector - excluding foreign-controlled finance and holding companies - invested significantly more abroad than in the previous year (CHF92 billion). In contrast, foreign-controlled finance and holding companies further reduced their direct investments abroad by CHF43 billion. + Sharp rise in foreign investments in Switzerland in 2023 Swiss companies focused mainly on Europe, where they invested CHF59 billion. Outside Europe, Swiss direct ...