World News in French

Are initiatives to combat gender-based violence having an impact?

In Switzerland, around 25 people die every year because of domestic violence - and 75% of victims are women. Authorities and civil society are looking for ways to take action. Are such initiatives having an impact? And is the situation changing fast enough? Join the discussion with ‘dialogue’. Worldwide, 140 feminicides are committed every day, or one woman killed every ten minutes, according to a United Nations report published earlier this week. Even more disturbing is that the most dangerous place for women and girls is within their homes, as the perpetrator is usually someone close to her or her family. In 60% of the cases of femicide in 2023, the women were killed by their partner or a family member. Switzerland is no exception. On the same day as the UN report was released, Swiss Interior Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider presented an interim report that analyses the measures of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention 2022-2026. "Women are ...