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Poll: most Swiss believe littering is steadily decreasing

Littering continues to steadily decrease in Switzerland, according to an opinion poll published on Tuesday. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox According to a survey carried out by the Swiss Competence Cenre against Littering (IGSU), 16% of people say a great deal of litter is not disposed of properly in Switzerland. When a similar poll was conducted for the first time in 2015, this figure stood at 25%. The survey about the littering situation in Switzerland was carried out among 2,277 residents at 34 locations throughout the country this year. + Proposals launched to tackle Switzerland’s littering problem Only 0.2% more respondents than last year said that they littered "rather little" or "little". At the same time, 8.3% of respondents said that there was "a lot" or "rather a lot" of littering at the location where they were surveyed. The latest results suggest that the situation is continuing to improve, says IGSU. "We are very pleased that the measures ...