World News in French

Swiss Abroad seeking love: a legacy in New Zealand

Over 60 years ago, Hanni Padrutt left Switzerland for New Zealand, creating the foundation for a thriving Swiss-Kiwi family. Her journey began with an unusual advert that would change her life forever. Finding love through an advert In the 1960s, Max Padrutt, a cheesemaker from Arosa, placed an advert in the Swiss farmers' newspaper Die Grüne: "Swiss abroad seeks girlfriend in New Zealand." Max had returned to Switzerland to buy a car and, hopefully, find a companion for his new life overseas. Hanni, a 24-year-old from Winterthur, had long dreamed of going abroad. On impulse, she responded to the advert: "If I’d waited, the letter would’ve ended up in the fire," she said. When Max visited her, Hanni was nervous but charmed. Soon after, they became engaged, and Max returned to New Zealand with both a car and a fiancée. A new beginning in New Zealand The couple travelled by ship for five weeks, each in separate cabins, united by their hopes for a better future. Both had modest ...