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Chimpanzee behaviours passed down through generations

Some of the complex behaviours of chimpanzees have been passed down and refined over generations. These include the combination of several tools for foraging, a multidisciplinary study by the University of Zurich (UZH) shows. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The researchers from the universities and research institutions of Zurich, St. Andrews, Barcelona, Cambridge, Constance and Vienna traced the genetic links between different chimpanzee groups over thousands of years at 35 locations in Africa. New findings in genetics were used to uncover key elements of chimpanzee cultural history, the UZH announced on Thursday. The researchers also collected a range of foraging behaviours. They divided these into those that require no tools, those that require simple tools, and the most complex behaviours that rely on a combination of tools. An example of a simple tool is a sponge made from a leaf to collect water from a tree crevice, UZH wrote. + Waa huu! Chimps ...