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Too much attention paid to queer people, says Swiss survey

Most Swiss are well disposed towards LGBTQ people, according to a study. However, prejudice and intolerance persist in certain sectors of society, particularly towards transgender and intersex people. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox According to a representative population survey conducted by the research institute gfs.bern in Switzerland, 60% of respondents strongly or somewhat agreed that “queer people receive too much attention in relation to the rest of the population”; 33% disagreed or somewhat disagreed with the statement. + Swiss Eurovision winner: Nemo and the fight for non-binary people Nevertheless the gfs.bern survey, commissioned by Amnesty International, Queeramnesty, Dialogai and the umbrella organisations TGNS, InterAction, Pink Cross and LOS concluded that most of the population feel sympathy and understanding for gay, lesbian and bisexual people. However, this tolerance diminishes for trans and intersex people. Prejudice is clearly more ...