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Collection Results | Royal Museums Greenwich

34th Congress for the International Association of Cape Horners, 1978 Abyssinian War, 1867-1868 Action off Helvoetsluys, 1796 Action off Leghorn, 1681 Admiral Civran's victory over Corsaris, 1753 Agassiz's expedition to the Amazon, 1865 Aldershot Cup Alexander of Russia's visit to Peru, 1845 America's Cup America's Cup, 1987 American Civil War, 1861-1865 American Civil War: Battle of Cherbourg, 1864 American Civil War: Battle of Hampton Roads, 1862 American Civil War: Bombardment of Port Royal, 1861 American War of Independence, 1775-1783 American War of Independence: Action off Flamborough Head, 1779 American War of Independence: Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775 American War of Independence: Battle of Doggerbank, 1781 American War of Independence: Battle of Lake Champlain, 1776 American War of Independence: Battle of Rhode Island, 1778 American War of Independence: Battle of Saint Kitts, 1782 American War of Independence: Battle of the Saints, 1782 American War of Independence: Battle of Y...