World News in French

The Daily Item from Lynn, Massachusetts

C8 THE DAILY ITEM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2002 TV ENTERTAINMENT Restaurant BOOK YOUR NEXT SOCIAL EVENT WITH US! LUNCHEON SPECIALS THIS WEEK Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.Baked Lamb Stuffed Shells NE Boiled Dinner Fried Haddock Fingers Chicken Kabob All $499 With Potato Vegetable EARLY BIRDS BEFORE 11:30 AND LATE DINERS AFTER 2 PM: Receive a complimentary cocktail or beverage. Our 49th Year! 98 Market Lynn OPEN: 10 AM 4 PM M-F to Never is harmless fun for the kids The opening titles tell us this is Pan in Return to Never and indeed, why an animated character be a movie star? Years have passed since the end of the first story London is reeling under the Blitz and Wendy has grown up, married and produced a daughter, Jane. But Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys and Captain Hook all remain unchanged in Never Land. During all of those years Hook has continued to search for his lost treasure, which was, he believes, stolen by Peter and hidden somewhere on the island. As the film opens, Jane in...