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Swiss set record for world's longest hyperloop test

Swiss scientists have established a record for the longest-ever hyperloop journey at a test facility in Lausanne, Switzerland. They aim to test technology that could be used in new-generation high-speed transport systems. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The team from the Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), the School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD) and Swisspod Technologies carried out 82 tests using a 120-metre hyperloop test track - a circular construction that can simulate long distances using different sized pods - as part of the LIMITLESS (Linear Induction Motor Drive for Traction and Levitation in Sustainable Hyperloop Systems) project. The longest distance covered by a pod during a trial was 11.8 km, with a top speed of 40.7 km per hour. +Hyperloop prototype track unveiled in Switzerland "In a full-scale system, this translates into a journey of 141.6 km, roughly the distance between Geneva and Bern (...) and speeds of up ...