World News in French

The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio

Household Qoodt 40 Trailer Homat 41 Housekeeping Apartments 41 Want to Rent, Hoasos, Apts. 14 Business Opportunities IT Duplexes, Unfurn'hed 63 Houses To Shan II 25 JOURNAL HERALD Thurtday, May 1, 193 VAGABOND '41; 11x11 room built on. HERMAN MAIN; 3 nlc room. SIS. OIRL or girl to ehere apt Refer ene 3 ROOMS, bath, $70.Llghl HOTPOINT ADULTS, 1 children (3-41, 5- or room unfurnlahed, suburban, up to heat furnlahed. 1108 Ruth ev. 11250. Ml dulla. IIK-S1U3 evea.170. KaVTIT OX-434B vea OAKwriuiif gtn ahere ail rron- bl. OL-4443 after a. m. VlNDALE.'58; 41-ft cuetom, lot 78. LABEL! 126; 3-room. employed N. MAIN GROCERY Well estebllahed grocerv end meat market. Parking.Gross $2300 week. HARRY CARTER Farms and Land For Sala 79 Residanct Property Far Salt 10 3.T.'0 N. Dixie dr. couple, no Children or drinking COMPARE WHITt.EY" 'M. 36 ft used a month, WYOMING, 1213; clean, N. MAIN; 4-room private bath. 3 men or adulta. FU-3738.124 A 7 -room modern brick, pond. employed or retired la...