World News in French

University of Colorado Athletics Credential Policies - University of Colorado Athletics

I. REQUIRED CREDENTIALSCredentials (press and photography passes) issued by the University of Colorado Athletics Department (CU) are required to cover Colorado Athletics at all regular season events which take place on the CU Boulder campus or an event in which CU has been assigned to distribute credentials, including but not limited to intercollegiate games/matches, scrimmages, practices, media availabilities and press conferences.Credentials are provided to working members of the media to assist in the coverage of CU Events. Credentials do not imply any guarantee to access, are of limited duration, are not transferable, and are revocable in the sole discretion of CU.Loaning or transferring credentials to another may result in immediate permanent revocation of media credentials and ejection from the event of the original holder and unauthorized holder of the credentials.Failure to adhere to the requirements of this policy may result in revocation of credentials for the representative...