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One in eight Swiss households in payment arrears

More than one in eight people, or 12.1% of the population, lived in a household with at least one payment in arrears in 2022. Overall, 40.9% of the population had at least one form of debt in that year. This is according to data published on Tuesday by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The most common arrears were tax bills and health insurance premiums. The FSO also analysed mortgages (not main residence), vehicle leases, small or consumer loans, instalment payments, maintenance payments, debts to family or friends as well as overdrafts or unpaid credit card bills. Overall, 40.9% of the population had at least one debt. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Accordingly, 5.5% of the population lived in households with arrears to the tax office. A further 4.4% were in arrears with health insurance companies. The number of people struggling with at least one type of arrears in the reporting year fell with increasing age, level of education and income. The ...