World News in French

Switzerland to close nine asylum centres as fewer people arrive than expected

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) is closing nine temporary federal asylum centres across Switzerland with a total of 1,735 accommodation places by the beginning of March. The government expects to save tens of millions of francs by closing the infrastructure. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The SEM explained on Tuesday in response to a query from the Swiss News Agency Keystone-SDA that this would amount to around CHF40 million ($46 million) per year. The SEM justifies the closures with the lower-than-expected asylum numbers this autumn. According to the SEM, 23% fewer applications were submitted in August than in the previous year, and 40% fewer in September. + Asylum in Switzerland The occupancy rate of the federal asylum centres is currently 51% throughout Switzerland. The situation on the migration routes to Western Europe does not indicate a sharp increase in the coming months. The government will begin closing the accommodation facilities ...