World News in French

Swiss Army marching orders and leave passes go digital

Members of the Swiss Armed Forces can now call up marching orders for military service and leave passes directly in an app on their smartphone. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox This app has been available since the beginning of October, the defence ministry said. The DIM Wallet application enables quick access to important information during military checks or when enlisting without the need for an internet connection, the defence ministry said on Tuesday. + The Swiss army: your questions answered The app has a control function that allows the military police, security personnel or inspectors in military facilities to check the QR codes shown. This can also be done offline and without registering in the digital service manager. No data is stored on the smartphones, which increases security and data protection. The digital signature in the QR codes increases security and also minimises the risk of forgery. It allows members of the armed forces to access ...