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Switzerland to step up humanitarian aid to Lebanon and Syria

Switzerland is increasing its humanitarian aid to Lebanon and Syria in response to the escalating violence in the Middle East. On Wednesday, the Swiss government decided to allocate an additional CHF7 million ($8.1 million) for this purpose. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The CHF7 million are in addition to the CHF79 million allocated for humanitarian aid in the Middle East in 2024. These funds will be directed towards the United Nations Humanitarian Fund for Lebanon, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Lebanese Red Cross, and the United Nations Refugee Agency in Syria. These organisations will provide shelter, care and protection to those affected. They will also supply basic food, water, sanitation essentials, medicine, basic healthcare, and hygiene products. The foreign policy committees will be consulted on this grant. The funds will be drawn from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s emergency aid budget.