World News in French

Valais storm damage estimated at CHF125 million

Heavy storms in June and July caused damages estimated at CHF125 million ($147 million) for canton Valais in southern Switzerland. These concern mainly streams, the Rhône River, road and agricultural infrastructure, and forests. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox From this total figure, CHF100 million will be spent on urgent measures to repair smaller side valleys and CHF25 million in the main Rhône valley, said Valais cantonal ministers Franz Ruppen, Frédéric Favre and Christophe Darbellay on Wednesday. "The numbers communicated are general figures. The canton is bearing most of the costs, but municipal and federal contributions are still expected," said Ruppen. This overall figure does not include damage to private property, small and medium-sized companies or major industries. An urgent decree will be submitted to the Valais parliament to enable support for companies that have been severely affected. "But no money will be given for economic loss," said ...