World News in French

Assisted suicide for CHF18 ($20)?

This would be an “egalitarian” death, says Fiona Stewart, a founding member of the organisation The Last Resort. Compared to the current cost of CHF10,000-CHF15,000 ($11,300 – $17,000), the suicide capsule “Sarco” offers individuals looking for options in assisted suicide a cost-friendly option. To induce death, individuals climb into the pod-looking chamber and press a button inside that releases nitrogen into the chamber. The individual dies as a result of nitrogen hypoxia, a method which the makers claim is not painful. This “doctor-free” method of assisted suicide would be cheaper and therefore more accessible to more individuals looking to end their lives. Another benefit of the “doctor-free” method, says Stewart, is that there would not be a “man in a white suit” standing by as a person dies, as this is something many individuals do not want. But there are disagreements about the Sarco method: some people do not agree with taking doctors out of the equation. Erika Preisig ...