World News in French

Why liberal Switzerland is opposed to the Sarco suicide capsule

The Sarco suicide capsule will soon be used for the first time in Switzerland, according to its makers. However, cantonal authorities are putting up resistance, and the device has yet to find favour with the country’s established right-to-die organisations. The media hype is huge. Swiss outlets have been reporting on the Sarco suicide capsule for almost all of July and many foreign media have also picked up the story. After canton Schaffhausen threatened criminal prosecution, canton Valais has now also banned the use of Sarco. Sarco is the name of a 3D-printed capsule that looks like something out of science fiction. It enables a person to die within a few minutes at the touch of a button – peacefully, or even slightly euphorically, the inventor claims. Sarco, also known as the “Tesla of assisted suicide”, was unveiled to the world five years ago. However, it has never been used. A press conference and many questions This is now supposed to change. The capsule’s initiators recently ...