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The Swiss ‘have always crossed borders’

Over the centuries, the Swiss have been tireless migrants, spreading in successive waves to every corner of the world. “The Swiss are a people who have always crossed borders,” says Gianni d’Amato, director of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM) at the University of Neuchâtel. These days – especially in Europe, where the vast majority of Swiss Abroad live – the concept of a border no longer holds the same significance as it does on other continents, such as the Americas or Asia. “The Swiss Abroad live a globalised life,” says d’Amato. + Swiss Abroad Congress: politically significant after 100 years Money, career, family The reasons Swiss people emigrate are varied, but can be grouped into three main trends. Economic reasons top the list. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, emigration was primarily to escape poverty. This trend continues today, particularly among older segments of the population seeking a better lifestyle in less expensive countries.