World News in French

Swiss Abroad youth parliament receives record number of applications

Every two years the Youth Parliament Swiss Abroad (YPSA) elects a new committee. With 17 applications, the number of interested young people has never been so high. “We had to postpone the results of the election because the candidates for North America obtained identical scores,” says a delighted Francisca Espinoza Trombert, who chaired the committee between 2022 and 2024 and led the new election. Although the new committee should have been appointed on February 5, the elections were stretched out until February 9 to decide between the three candidates from North America. After two rounds, 13 young men and women were elected for 2024-2026. All continents were represented, with the exception of Asia. For the first time, South Africa is a member of the YPSA. In total 154 members cast 200 votes; each member had the opportunity to vote for two candidates. The newly elected committee then held its first constitutive meeting, during which it appointed Dutch-Swiss Max Groenveld as ...