World News in French

‘In Switzerland family policy is the poor relation of social policy’

Faced with rising living costs, over half of Swiss families are struggling to make ends meet, according to a survey. The head of Switzerland’s main family organisation is calling for swift political action. The second family barometer, published on Thursday by umbrella association Pro Familia Switzerland and Pax, a pension insurance company targeting families, reveals the increasingly precarious situation of families at a time when prices are rising across the board. Philippe Gnaegi, director of Pro Familia Switzerland and former member of the Neuchâtel cantonal government for the centre-right Radical-Liberal Party, discusses the results of the survey of 2,123 families across Switzerland. SWI Your study highlights the ever-increasing financial pressure on families. More than half of them – 52%, compared with 47% last year – consider their income to be insufficient or barely sufficient. Are you surprised by these results? Philippe Gnaegi: I am indeed surprised by the ...