World News in French

Swiss price watchdog senses public concerns about inflation

Price watchdog Stefan Meierhans once again received more messages from citizens last year, with around one in five related to energy prices. Presenting his annual report in Bern on Monday, Meierhans said he believed that state-owned companies had a particular duty in times of inflation. In 2022 the price watchdog received 2,368 messages from citizens. Since the end of 2021 the number has almost doubled, according to a press release. In 2023 alone, there was an increase of 17% to 2,775 compared to the already record-breaking previous year. Meierhans explained that this development was an expression of growing concern and discontent among the population about the rising cost of living. The implementation of measures to combat Switzerland’s high prices is far more urgent for large sections of the population than the national consumer price index would suggest, he said. + Meet the man trying to make Switzerland less expensive Energy was the most frequent topic in the reports submitted ...