World News in French

Should we work until 66 to secure long-term pension funding?

On March 3, the Swiss people will vote on a popular initiative aimed at raising the retirement age. What is your opinion? Is an increase necessary or not? Join the discussion on our debate platform "dialogue". "The OASI (old-age and survivors’ insurance) is running out of money". This slogan is the first thing that catches the eye when visiting the website of the supporters of the Pension Initiative, which was put forward by the Young Radical-Liberals. They argue that the state pension scheme urgently needs to be put on a sustainable footing to prevent it from collapse. Click here to join the debate: Link Their solution to guarantee long-term financing of the OASI? The statutory retirement age for everybody should be gradually increased from 65 to 66 by 2033. After that, it would be pegged to life expectancy, meaning it would be raised (or lowered) automatically if life expectancy increases (or decreases). Politicians from left to right agree that the number of pensioners is ...