World News in French

Russia and Middle East subjects of human rights film festival 

The crisis in the Middle East and the situation in Russia will be at the centre of the International Film Festival on Human Rights (FIFDH), which will run under the theme of resistance. Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitri Mouratov and American activist Angela Davis are expected to attend the event in Geneva. As the violence in the Gaza Strip continues, the festival, scheduled for March 8 to 17 and which unveiled its arrangements to the press on Thursday, will host several films and discussions on the conflict. Photojournalist Motaz Azaiza, who for four months documented the suffering in the Palestinian territory, will participate. As will Palestinian and Israeli peace activists. The Israeli occupation and the increase in anti-Semitism will not be forgotten. A few days before the Russian presidential election where Vladimir Putin is expected to be re-elected, a film on one of the last independent dailies, the Novaya Gazeta, will be shown in its world premiere. Uighurs in China, Iranian ...