World News in French

‘Swiss pensioners who live abroad in luxury are an exception’ 

On March 3 the Swiss will vote on an extra – or 13th – monthly pension payment. Martina Bircher, a parliamentarian from the right-wing Swiss People’s Party, claims that some retired Swiss Abroad already enjoy a “luxurious lifestyle” thanks to the strong Swiss franc. Four expatriate pensioners talk about the reality of their lives. “With my old-age pension of CHF1,250 ($1,442) per month, it would be impossible for me to live in Switzerland,” says Swiss-Argentinian Carl Albert Melo. Melo emigrated to Argentina, his wife’s country of origin, when he retired eight years ago. His wife receives no pension as she never earned a salary. Nearly 144,000 Swiss nationals living abroad receive Swiss Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OASI) pensions, according to the 2022 figures of the Federal Social Insurance Office. Retirees sometimes emigrate for love or adventure. Often, however, they leave Switzerland out of financial necessity, as the testimonials here illustrate: Pierre-Yves Maillard, a ...