World News in French

Saudi Arabia remains closed to the Swiss weapons industry

Swiss arms companies are no longer looking to enter the Saudi market, because it's too complicated, according to a lobbyist. The Saudi market is "closed to the Swiss arms industry", according to Matthias Zoller, Secretary General of Swiss ASD, Swissmem's industrial sector. He was speaking at the end of the World Defense Show in Riyadh, where Swiss military representation was conspicuous by its absence. Swiss arms companies are no longer looking to prospect this market, because it's too complicated," the lobbyist told La Liberté. The ban on supplying countries in internal or external conflict, which was passed by parliament in October 2021, is also a roadblock, in his view. The delivery of weapons systems to Saudi Arabia is banned under Swiss law. "Above all, this law prevents us from being able to supply NATO countries," deplores Zoller. The lobbyist says he hopes the Senate's motion to introduce a derogation in the federal law on war materiel will open the way. "This would ...