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Swiss scientists develop method to solder rather than stitch wounds

The researchers have developed a mechanism which they say could help to prevent life-threatening complications caused by leaking sutures. A research team from the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) and the federal technology institute ETH Zurich has now applied for a patent for the process, Empa said on Tuesday. In principle, soldering wounds using the new method works in the same way as soldering two metals: a solder is required which melts at a low temperature and can be used to bond the two parts together. + More research updates from Switzerland in our science coverage In the case of metals, a metal mixture with copper is usually used. In this case, the researchers developed a protein gelatine paste that serves as a solder for soldering fabrics. The paste contains two types of nanoparticles: firstly, so-called titanium nitride nanoparticles, which convert light into heat – when the paste is irradiated with a laser, it heats up. Secondly...