World News in French

Новости за 14.10.2024

Swiss to vote again on banning animal testing


The people's initiative for a future without animal experiments in Switzerland has passed the 100,000 mark in certified signatures, the association behind it said on Monday. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox More than 100,000 signatures had been collected by the end of last week in support of the initiative, according to a press release issued by the Community of Interest for the Initiative for the Prohibition of Animal Experiments in Switzerland. They must be formally... Читать дальше...

Nos idées de citrouilles d'Halloween qui font peur repérées sur Pinterest 

Pourquoi la citrouille est-elle le symbole d'Halloween ? Halloween, c'est avant tout le jour où les morts reviennent parmi les vivants déguisés en monstres. A l'origine, les croyants déposaient un repas et une bougie allumée sur la table pour que les...
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