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Новости за 04.08.2024

Central Market Friday Club Organises Free Medical Camp

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) The Peninsula DOHA: The Central Market Friday Club, in collaboration with the Centre for Indian Community (CIC) Central Market Units and the CIC, Youth Forum Rayyan ...

Oil production in Iran reaches 5-year high last month

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN) In July 2024, Iran–s oil production surged to 3.22 million barrels per day (bpd), marking the highest output level since the U.S. withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran and re-imposed ...

Iran reports import of around 10,000 passenger cars in 4 months

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN) In the first four months of the current Iranian calendar year, spanning from March 20 to July 21, 2024, approximately 10,000 passenger cars were imported into Iran, according to an official ...

أوديسا قد تُشعل حربا عالمية

RT Arabic 

حول خشية واشنطن من سيطرة روسيا على أوديسا، كتب فياتشيسلاف نوفوروسيسكي، في "موسكوفسكي كومسوموليتس":

Turkey sets new record for monthly exports of USD22.5B in July

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN) In July, T–rkiye set a new record for monthly exports, reaching a total of USD22.5 billion. This remarkable figure marks the highest level of exports ever recorded for that month, according ...

الإسعافات الأولية لأنواع مختلفة من الحروق

RT Arabic 

كشف الدكتور قسطنطين تيرنوفوي مدير مركز إعادة التأهيل في جامعة سيتشينوف الطبية، كيفية تقديم الإسعافات الأولية للمصاب بحروق، مصدرها النار أو الكهرباء أو أشعة الشمس أو سائل ساخن.